Economic Development and Policy Research: Economics of Climate Change, Adaptation, and Resiliency 


Economic Development and Policy Research

when where UAEU and NYUAD Campus who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute
By Invitation Interested scholars please contact

Economic Development and Policy Research: Economics of Climate Change, Adaptation, and Resiliency 

This annual conference brings together high-level policymakers, leading scholars, and deep thinkers in dialogue over the most pressing issues of economic development of the day. The conference attracts researchers working in Economics, Finance, and Public Policy from academics, policy institutions, and industry leaders in order to provide an opportunity for presenting novel research, as well as discussing current challenges and opportunities, with a focus on the UAE and global economy.

Convened by
Yaw Nyarko, Professor of Economics, NYUAD; Director of NYU Africa House, the Center for Technology and Economic Development (CTED), and Co-Director of the Development Research Institute (DRI), NYU

In collaboration with

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