Turbulent Quantum Fluids IV 


Turbulent Quantum Fluids IV

when where NYUAD Campus who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute
By Invitation Interested scholars please contact nyuad.programs@nyu.edu

Turbulent Quantum Fluids IV 

Turbulence in a quantum fluid is emerging as an attractive interdisciplinary topic at the intersection of classical fluid dynamics and quantum physics. This symposium brings together leading researchers, theorists, simulations experts and experimentalists who work on this topic in separated physics communities, fluid dynamics, low temperature physics, atomic physics, astrophysics. Quantum fluids support not only types of turbulence similar to those found in classical fluids, but also new types with no classical analogs. Their understanding is scientifically challenging and will enrich and strengthen our overall understanding of the important general field of fluid turbulence.

Convened by
Carlo F. Barenghi, Professor, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, Newcastle University
Ladislav Skrbek, Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
Katepalli Sreenivasan, University Professor; Kleiner Chair for Innovation, Professor of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, NYU

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