Emerging Construction Materials: Towards Sustainable and Resilient Cities 


Emerging Construction Materials: Towards Sustainable and Resilient Cities

when where NYUAD Campus who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute
By Invitation Interested scholars please contact ECOMaterials@nyu.edu

Emerging Construction Materials: Towards Sustainable and Resilient Cities 

The cement industry alone accounts for about 8% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions, mainly attributed to the production of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Alternative low-carbon binders to OPC are currently being researched, with some already in use today. Despite the countless opportunities presented by the use of these binders, their widespread adoption faces challenges, including market resistance, lack of established standards and guidelines, and various technical obstacles, all contributing to a measured pace in their integration. This conference explores these emerging low-carbon cementitious materials, their opportunities, challenges, and the way forward to their implementation to help build more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and resilient cities and infrastructure.


To register, please click here

Convened by
Kemal Celik, Assistant Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering, NYUAD

In collaboration with

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