Elementary My Dear Watson! Disruptive Innovation and the Future of Legal Work 


Elementary My Dear Watson!  Disruptive Innovation and the Future of Legal Work

when 6:30‐8pm where NYUAD Campus, Conference Center who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute
Open to the Public

Elementary My Dear Watson! Disruptive Innovation and the Future of Legal Work 

This talk examines why the large-scale forces that have already transformed the global economy – globalization and the shift in economic activity toward the emerging economies in the Global South, the exponential rise in the speed and sophistication of information technology, and the blurring of traditional categories of organization and thought – are producing “disruptive innovation” in the market for legal services, and the implications of these changes for law, lawyers, and the rule of law.

David Wilkins, Lester Kissel Professor of Law, Director, Center on the Legal Profession, and Vice Dean for Global Initiatives on the Legal Profession, Harvard Law School

Hosted by
NYU Abu Dhabi Institute

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